Room Reservations


Rooms that may not be reserved:

The Junior Common Room (JCR), the Eliot Dining Hall, Eliot Library, Eliot Grille and the Eliot Small Dining Room may not be reserved directly by students. Contact the House Administrator if you need to reserve one of those spaces. The Senior Common Room (SCR) may not be reserved by students.

Rooms that may be reserved:

The Student Kitchen, Eliot Dance Studio, Golden Arm Movie Studio, T-2, T-29, and the Tower/Recording Studio may be only be reserved by Eliot House Members (students, tutors & staff).  for Eliot House related events. To reserve these rooms please read the ground rules below, then follow the room reservation policies and procedures in the left-hand column of this page. Reservations may be made using .

Ground Rules:

  • You must be an Eliot House student or tutor to reserve a room. Rooms are made available at the discretion of the Eliot House Office and can be revoked or reassigned at will. Privileges will be revoked if rooms are 'sublet' to outside groups.
  • Treat the room like you would one in your own house: leave it cleaner and more organized than how you found it.
  • Be a community champ! Don't hog the rooms and be considerate of your fellow Eliotites.
  • All kitchen utensils are for use in the student KITCHEN ONLY. Please do not remove, even if you intend on returning items.